
Showing posts from October, 2019


It all started September 18, 2015. It is now October 15, 2019, I am getting myself mentally ready to witness in criminal court the next day - getting ready for another birthday spent in court.  Fasted and prayed, however this time I asked for my desire (that my ex takes a guilty plea concerning the DV  case) but that God's will be ultimately done and for God to give me the grace to handle it.

The makeup of a quality decision

Life is the outcome of a series of decisions. If life was like a house, decisions will be the bricks. This makes me think - to improve the quality of my life, I'll need to discover how to improve the quality of my decisions. So how does one crack the code to making quality decisions? Sounds like the key to a fulfilling life if you ask me. A few thoughts came to me concerning this. Before making a decision, weigh the motive, driving force, intention of the move you are about to make against the following criteria: Pride vs. Principle Panic vs. Peace  Pressured vs. paced To the above add a large dose of instinct - by imagining yourself on the other side (outcome) of each decision option you have. How do you feel? Joyous, burdened or unsure?  If the later two, steer your ship away from that direction and pray - "Commit your way to the Lord ; trust in him and he will do this:" Psalms 37:5 NIV