
Showing posts from April, 2023

Opportunity Cost and why i fight for Child support or at a minimum not to give him that 401k

 "Stand up for yourself and fight your bully back."  'No one is coming to save you" "I hate cheating, maybe because I was bullied as a child." "A slap on the face...speaking metaphorically, I may be able to tolerate but a slap and a knock on the head?...the gloves are on!"  But when on April 26th, 2023, a day or so after news from my attorney asking me to be ready to show up in court on Monday sent me on an emotional tailspin into a dark place. A dark enough place where I lay on my bed, wondering to myself, perhaps dying is not so scary. Perhaps it won't be so bad to sleep and just not wake up Sunday April 30th I just cried in front of my kids while rush driving to be on time for church due to feeling exasperated overwhl3med with single parenting, home remodeling, kids both sixk this week, washing Tamilores hair, the weight of thinking about going to court tomorrow for the child support modification case lekan filed, etc - am so embarrassed wh