
Showing posts from September, 2024

9 years now! When Is Enough enough

<Sigh>: If anyone had told me in when I filed for divorce in 2015 that nine years later I would still be in divorce court, I would have said they were speaking out of sorts. Alas! 9 years later here I am scheduled for another October court date - another birthday thinking about/preparing for court.  How do I feel? Depressed that's for sure - I have always hated that word but I feel like I can't run from it anymore.  I thought, at least my dad would get an opportunity to see me settled and happy before he dies. "Okanlanwan, are you happy?" He seemed to be the only one in my household really concerned about my true well being. The only one who looked beyond the smile I put on my face to hide how I really felt inside - WEARY. I thought I would be 100% free of my ex by now.  Instead we are still in court. His latest fight - medical support arrearage. When is enough, enough - 401k settlement vs. child support arrearage vs. medical support owned vs. geographical restr