
Showing posts from March, 2019

My cure to years of insomnia

Key:  🤬 = $0 🤗 = $1 Credits to Sarah Knight. Click link below to watch video first 😆: "The magic of not giving a f^^k by Sarah Knight. Below is my own "I can't come and die" aka mental decluttering budget: 🤬Allowing my ex to manipulate me into conflict with my kids, friends, family. 🤬Regurgitating discussion points to a coworker who chooses not to attend meetings because he prioritizes his kids and pilates time over my time. 🤗Going to the gym 🤬Supporting coworkers who do not support me. 🤗Making it to Tennis lessons on Tuesday evenings 🤬Training a coworker on how to do his work - after he misses training or chooses not to take notes during the ones he attends. 🤗Going to lunch during work hours 🤬Happy hour that will cause me to miss my bus home 🤗Eating my breakfast even if it is during morning meetings 🤬Multicultural day at childrens school 🤗Parent teacher conference 🤬Helping mom brainstorm how much she should charge my friends for babys