America's smoke screen of justice

Jury verdict was like being assaulted all over again. Just this time by 10 strangers. There was no basis for it. For them to have found "No assault" is flabbergasting. Very unfair...
Who sees the weight of evidence: police testimony, assault pictures, cps testimony and reports, his apology text and still rules "No" to assault. Such injustice in the self professed land of justice.  $100k in attorney fees, all to protect myself from my abuser, to find my voice, to raise our kids without his abusive power and control. Very disappointing but very eye opening. Court is not for vengeance but alas, I knew that.  I sought it for protection from abusive bullying. I thought maybe it could achieve what church, family, nor professional counseling had not been able to.  3+ years later however that mindset has changed. Changed by my 3+ years with the criminal and divorce court system.  Solilidified by Gavin De Becker's book - "The gift of fear"; cemented by the many stories from the fortbend womens center. The answer for me...changes periodically as I learn and grow but for now its prayer and absolute abstinence. Prayer so as to maintain your sanity through the painful process. Abstinence by practicing complete 'no contact' with the abuser. Not through friends, family, pastors, lawyers, nor the court system and absolutely not directly. Any form of engagement only fuels their narcissistic supply.
Spend your time healing. Healing from the pain. Pain purifies and leads to peace. Peace is near.


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