My cure to years of insomnia

🤬 = $0
🤗 = $1

Credits to Sarah Knight. Click link below to watch video first 😆:

"The magic of not giving a f^^k by Sarah Knight.

Below is my own "I can't come and die" aka mental decluttering budget:

🤬Allowing my ex to manipulate me into conflict with my kids, friends, family.

🤬Regurgitating discussion points to a coworker who chooses not to attend meetings because he prioritizes his kids and pilates time over my time.

🤗Going to the gym

🤬Supporting coworkers who do not support me.

🤗Making it to Tennis lessons on Tuesday evenings

🤬Training a coworker on how to do his work - after he misses training or chooses not to take notes during the ones he attends.

🤗Going to lunch during work hours

🤬Happy hour that will cause me to miss my bus home

🤗Eating my breakfast even if it is during morning meetings

🤬Multicultural day at childrens school

🤗Parent teacher conference

🤬Helping mom brainstorm how much she should charge my friends for babysitting or cooking

🤗Helping mom get Medicaid

🤬Helping unappreciative nanny broker baby sitting, cooking opportunities with my friends

🤬Allowing unnecessary criticism from people.

🤗Helping dad get Medicaid

🤬Helping dad call creditors for medical Bill's I advised him not to accumulate

🤬Answering every question mom asks - haha!

🤗Going biking with my kids

🤬caring more about my unappreciative nanny's wellbeing than i do for myself.

🤗Taking mom to her doctors appointment

🤬allowing people plant seeds in my mind that could lead to conflict with others

🤗Taking dad to his doctors appointment within reason

🤬Calling uber for a growling nanny after training her a 'gazillion' times on how to call her own uber

🤗Getting my quiet time daily to recharge

🤬Training nanny on how to do the same thing after 3 years of repeated training

🤗Catching up on correspondence from children's teachers.

🤬Accomodating nanny's manipulative, sulking, non-communicative responses.

🤗Prioritizing my taxes and my endless to do list.

🤬Listening to coworkers vent about unnecessary work conflict

🤗Spending time with my kids

🤬Running Landlord errands that business partner (aka ex-hubby) should be handling

🤬Allowing myself to be sucked into my brothers wife's conflict with my parents.

🤬Accommodating and supporting a tenant who breaks HOA and lease rules

🤬Supporting a co-worker who delays his work to the last minute

🤗Creating this f**k budget


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