Letter to a friend recovering from Her high conflict divorce

Good morning. Didn't know u had blood pressure challenges. Taking a lot of meds too..  what?! Girl the devil is a liar!
Most folks I know who have high blood pressure are folks who tend to internalize their life challenges i.e. bottling things up in an introvertish style.

<friends name> you just have to pull through the darkness. OK to be an introvert as God made you but also remember that bible says Laughter does good like medicine. I say Laugh more, make a decision to see the joys in life, aka glass half full.

Our past experiences don't define us.
surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Watch TV shows that make u laugh. Laugh in the face of crazy work moments.
Preaching to myself here too.

Life is #too short!
I have buried brother, cousin, friends in last few years. Burying another friend next week, she was only 41. All of it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have a good paying job, kids that love me, a roof over my head, friends and family that care even if they annoy me sometimes 🤣.

<my ex husband's name> is still being his crazy self but as Nigerians say "I cant come and die" I handle his crazy as they come and also learning to lean more on God for his help with him.

Speak bye bye to high blood pressure, hello to Gods boisterous joy and good health.
Remember to Eat healthy. I know a good nutritionist.
Remember to take care of yourself as you care for <her daughters name>.

#This is my year of self care. Girl, you should see my Easter weekend calendar. 

All about self care 🤣
Happy Good Friday my love.


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