Zencation Day 2: Swan River Nature Trail and Bisson Range

First stop Swan River Nature Trail - need I say more. Breath taking views. How creative God must be to whip this into creation. The endless array of pine trees, the vast peaks and lows of mountain tops and valleys, the sound of rushing waters. The glory of it all.  Divine I say.

At the end of the trial is a little BigFork town with shops lined up on a street called Electric Avenue - credits to my Bob Marley or is it vice versa 🙂. A pretty little town like an illustration in a fairytale story book.

Bigfork was welcoming. Quietening the initial subtle question at the back of my mind - am I welcome here as a colored woman standing out conspicuously with braided hair?
People were friendly, the smiles were unforced. Then I wondered - why do more black people not visit here? I stood out like a sore thump.

Walking back to my car was easier and quicker. Racing past the same scenery I had gawked at a few moments ago.
A passerby I struck a conversation with offered to relieve me of my selfie pose and took one of the best pics of my trip. 

Swan River had made its mark in my consciousness but it was time to visit the Bison Range - a place I had just learned of at the Outlookinn. I was alarmed to find out it was a good hour and half drive away but by now I was fully committed to the idea of the visit. 

Bison Range was both disappointing and exhilarating. For a while I saw only one bored looking Bison. 

Just when I started to rehearse what a was of gas and entry fee the trip was turning out to be, I spotted it at a distance - I and a couple other Range visitors...

... a bear! A brown bear, minding its own business on its afternoon stroll snacking as it strode along.
What a treat! A drive and fee well spent. I drove back to the outlookinn that evening, feeling satisfied with my day.


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