Is it goodbye or a rebirth?

 Good morning Sarah, happy holidays. 

This morning, I summoned up the courage to address things directly, with my childhood alpha personality friend who I still kept as a friend to this day. 

She didn't receive it well at all, she got defensive and harsh as usual but this time instead of cowering - I spoke up.  It will take a miracle for us to remain friends after this morning's row - 39 yrs of friendship, I hope I did the right thing  addressing things directly with her. The letter u asked me to write and not mail, did not seem to be enough for me to heal that wound. 

I feel like I am on a journey to heal every wound that lead up to Lincoln's Domestic abuse.  I feel I have been circling this particular childhood pain for fear of how she will receive it, for fear of losing my oldest friend. 

Perhaps she was never really my friend. We should not be intimidated by our friends  😐


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