The Young me

I was born on Ogunlana drive in Surulere, Lagos Nigeria. Ogunlana Dr was a time in my life I see as my years of innocence. I have 3 vivid memories of life on Ogunlana Drive. One was having intense tummy aches and ulcer pangs and being taken to hospital; another was seeing a huge rat in the guest toilet - yes yuk, the third was a baby carriage seat being placed on a table and be wondering why that was as at that age I felt it was not safe. The most important and vivid memory though was hanging out with the neighbors son - I forget his name but his dads name was Uncle Wole of Animal games. A memory seared in my mind is one of us sitting facing the street, watching cars go by. I don't remember playing with my brothers but I remember visiting uncle Wole's son. He was much older than me but weirdly his friendship or maybe it was more big brotherly guardianship gave me comfort. We moved from Ogunlana Dr when I was five


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