Raising Kids while being raised

They froze, full of guilt as I walked into the study: one looked more guilty than the other as the younger one slid a few steps away from the computer - leaving her older brother holding the mouse.
"What are you doing", I asked. They were playing "roblox" on a week night! That was a direct disobedience to my outline of their weekly schedule. "Didn't I say no online games during the week?" This had never happened before (at least not to my knowledge). Off to time out I sent them. A few moments later, I cant help but wonder -  am I too strict? Is it hypocritical? Remembering all the hours of TV I watched after school when I was their age. I actually have been transparent with them, telling them that I watched too much TV growing up but I desire for them to be better than me. Read books and enjoy reading them. How do I build and nurture this habit in children when I myself need that discipline? How do I raise kids in an area where I am still being raised?


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