You no get shame...curse on your head

 This weekend exchange:

...I need to know before end of day today.

Did u get tami's email sent you about taking her to the party she already RSVP'D to this weekend. If not. I sent u the link feel free to un-rsvp.

According to the kids you told them you can pick them up early this weekend since there is no school on Thursday and Friday? I do not have a problem with that but again send these communications directly to me via our family wizard not via the kids. Cos i need to be able to differentiate if it is you proposing it or them. If its you and it works for me, ill need to plan drop off on Thursday with Tara right after Soccer practice. I don't do disruptions.

However if coming this weekend is from them and it is not convenient for you please be up front enough with them to say no -  instead of giving them the run around to come ask me. Its unfair to these kids. Keep them and me out of your good cop - bad cop approach of parenting. Be bold enough to explain to them that it is not convenient for you.

I have told them i will no longer be tolerating the "go and ask your mommy" deflections from you. We have been on this process now for 6 yrs  - you know the process and the tools the court put in place. If you still dont take time to learn it, learn their school schedules - i included you on the notifications, learn the exchange schedules including the holidays - stop telling them to come ask me. And absolutely stop scolding about why they did not go to school on so and so day when you know the history is that they have perfect attendance records and i only pick them up early only when they have dr. Appts.


School attendance alerts:

If you need to know why they did not go to school call the school yourself you are their father and are listed on the parent list. Stop your scolding questions. You have never gotten involved in the nothing heavy lifting of their education even when we were married - why are u pretending to care now.  Not involved in their emotional support or extracurricular activities, nor do you provide any child support but are quick to scold about why they did not go to school or soccer on certain days  - dude being a sperm donor, disney dad does not make you a daddy or father. Earn it.

So you know, I may be taking justin to get the vaccine next week, if u get an alert that he missed school, call the school and ask them.

Also Justin said u said he should tell me he wants to come live with u  - u have pool and slide in the backyard and you said you will buy him a car when he is 16. You have started manifesting again. Lekan stop manipulating the boy. If you really want them feel free to go file that in court, i will give them to you but leave that out of your pot stirring ways. 

Grow up Lekan or redirect your manipulations and pot stirring ways to your new victims.

If you like pay child support if u like don't pay - God has been taking care of me and the children in spite of you. You no get shame o - u haven't paid child support in yrs - i no disturb you but are chasing me with lawyer to collect 401k u did not work for. Why didnt you and your lawyer withdraw it right after the divorce decree was signed?  Ol boy, you can have the money, keep me out of it, but know that - the day you receive that money without paying child support you put a curse on your head.


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