Early Years - who am I

 "Amoeba...hmmmm...what an interesting organism...sounds a lot like me." This is the thought that went through my head as i sat in class - probably primary 4 (4th grade) - and listened to the Integrated Science teacher teach us about microorganisms. Interestingly that is almost the only lecture I vividly remember from elementary (aka primary) school. Why? I can't say, my guess is I must have always been an introspective person as I still am today. I have just as much conversations with myself in my head as I do out loud, lol - if not more. Today, I don't use the phrase Amoeba, I use the phrase conflict avoider to describe myself. As the Amoeba adapts to its environment to avoid being prey to a hunting predator, so I adapted, conformed, yielded, to strong personalities in my childhood to avoid conflict and still do today - in most cases. It is this very nature amongst other things that I believe led me to marrying a malignant narcissist and all the perils, trauma, stress that comes with that life. Who knew! Who could have thought that being innately agreeable and a conflict avoider can work to ones own detriment. Does this mean that the biblical saying - follow peace with all men - needs to come with a caveat - follow peace with all men, if the man or woman is not a sadistic malignant narcissist who takes pleasure in seeing you in pain? 


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