Another court case looms - calling on resilience!

Lawsuits are really draining. Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually exhausting. How about a 7 year long suit with the person you chose to love for the rest of your life. The person you chose to wait till marriage for, to have children with, to have and to hold till death do us path. Its not only emotionally, physically, spiritually draining, it is crushing and heart breaking! There are days I go from happy to sad to crying then laughing...oh add in moments of irritability/anger. 

It's been 7 years since I filed for divorce. I can't believe it's been that long. Not only that, but I am also really not sure how I survived - not just survived...thrived overall! Not without challenges I must add. It only shows the power and resilience of us as humans when surviving is the only option. If anyone asks me what the secret to my survival is, I will say - 

community - my children, friends, church, co-workers; 

TV - reality shows were surprisingly validating and a good way of escape; 

lone travels to hike and re-charge; 

Doctors to help me sleep and with anxiety; 

essential oils to help with sleep and emotional health; 

talk therapy; EMDR therapy; 

dancing away stress; 

staying beautiful; 

working and achieving goals;

reading books and 

breakdowns...thank God for those! 

Apparently, all the things I did to cope and survive was just me repressing, escaping and not dealing. Then came the breakdowns in 2017 (1st panic attack...medical leave), 2020 (buying a home, 1st episodial flashback, soul stainer occurence), 2021 (mom hurt blow out) and 2022 (3 lawsuits, left chevron etc)

I heard tonight on the Kardashian show - Kendell Jenner say there is a saying "you have to have a breakdown to have a breakthrough" - for the first time I see my break downs; burn outs as a blessing and not as a weakness. Thanks to them I was able to accept that I was not OK and get the proper help. Thank you FBWC for the free therapies! 


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