Finding True Self

The length I go through to fix things got me to Body and Brain yoga, Missouri City, where I met the good folks there. This time I was trying to fix the nerve pain down my neck brought about by the Jan 16, 2022 accident.

No one prepared me for the soul awakening exercise that my membership in the body and brain yoga and taichi center will soon become.

Finding True Self workshop was part of the package I purchased. On September 24 and 25th, I  attended the all day workshop in Cypress. It was an Interesting 2 days with some psychologically freeing and weird activities. Writing about my childhood in 3rd person then it being read out loud to me by my partner (psychologically freeing) and some "not sure why the heck they want me to eagle pose for 30 straight minutes under intense shoulder and arm pain"(weird). The pounding, beating and slapping on the chakra points -  weird. The team board game eye opening! My tendency to go with the flow so as to avoid standing out in a crowd could be working against me standing up for my true convictions. I learned its ok to stand alone and speak up for ones conviction!

The exercise of shout critical judgmental thoughts at Master... uncovered the deep hurt I still carried around for the critical judgments from my parents especially my mom - whose intention i know was just to raise me to be a good, hard working, marriage ready and societally acceptable girl.


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