Broken Vessel

Enough is enough said the judge as we stood before her on May 16th 2018 - during yet another temporary order hearing. We are setting this case for final so these people can move on with their lives. It's been almost 3 years the divorce was filed.
Oh am sure she saw my nod of agreement. My prayers were answered! I had asked, believed and now I am receiving!
I won't be leaving the same way I came though. Many times I feel different...broken is putting it more specifically:
- my head hurts physically when I am presented with a lot of data at once.
- sometimes my thoughts keep going on autodrive and I can't make them stop
- I recently observed I don't feel comfortable with idleness-moving instead from one task to another.
- on bad days I got panic attacks being around too many people.

Into pieces, this man broke me. All I want to do is get as far away from him in every aspect of life   as I possibly can. Rebuild with the priceless wisdom I gained through the process of being crushed to pieces.
The most painful is being broken hearted, being betrayed for a prolonged period of time by the one man I truly loved.


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