Speak your way to freedom

In the words of Zainab Salbi -  speaker and humanitarian for abused women - when a person tells their story they are like a candle helping others heal/light the way (paraphrased). Zainab helps women of war torn countries.  Perhaps this blog would help women of domestic abuse and/or high conflict divorce torn homes - a war in itself just of a different kind.

If you are reading this and are or have experienced such, know that you are not alone. You are not your experience. It really does happen to the least and greatest of us. From the woman next door to Janet Jackson. 

Shame is your enemy, exposing the experience is your friend. Speak your truth to erase the lies etched in your 'psychy' through the harhness of abuse and put downs. Empower yourself with  positive "I am" declarations: Hello world, my name is Banke and I am a survivor!


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