Gold scepter: divine favor

May 16th, 2018 was a good day in court.  Many of his lies where exposed to his shame. Back child support awarded,  attorney fees awarded.

We expressed willingness to settle and move on.  We suggest he keep his stuff and I keep mine. He resists. "I am still entitled to at least 30% of her 401k. He insists the money I was awarded be deducted from 'his share' of the 401k." I shake my head.  What a disgrace of a man!  In spite of fraudulently transfering and hiding over $200k in marital assets he wants to split what I have left get a decent home for the kids and I - like a master insisting the slave buy his freedom. Like pharoah, stiff necked, unmoving in spite of the plagues. He digs his stubborn fangs deep in the ground, with a sense of entitlement, ready to reap from where he has not sown.  Ready to make a person he once called wife,  mother to his children pay to be free of his wickedness.

The story of the Jews comes to mind.  Aren't there many stories analogous to my situation in the holy book? Esther vs. Haman; Moses vs. Pharoah.  The sad part is this enemy is one of my own household: Olade vs. Olade.

The part of me that once loved him wants to tell him:  Stop! You are only setting yourself up for destruction and the children need their father.  The part of me that wants to be vindicated waits patiently watching him as he digs his own grave. 
"Then King Xerses said to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, I have given Esther the property of Haman and he has been impaled on a pole because he tried to destroy the Jews."


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