Smarter than the lot

"I am smarter than mummy and her lawyers." Justin our son told me dad had said that to him. What will make a grown man say that to his son bewildered me.
Inspite of it, I press on in court fighting to be free.  Not just any freedom but freedom laced with justice, truth, courage to stand up against my abuser.
What was my motive, there may have been many, changing as the months and years of the divorce suit rolled by but primarily it was to be free. Free of his bullying, control. Free to make decisions for my life and that of the kids. Spoke my truth in court but the jury heard what they wanted to hear and ruled in favor of my abuser. Is this the justice man has to offer? Empowering my abuser with a verdict of "No assault."
My heart aches from it. I feel let down by church and county. I have to forge a new way to exist despite such verdict but I hope he has learned not to bully me anymore.


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