Do not weep for me

I received a package in the mail today - it was my Nigerian passport. When I opened it I could not help but notice the drastic difference between the picture in this new passport (2018 - 7 years older) vs. the expired one (2011).

The new passport book had a face - that just looked normal. The old one...well see below for yourself - sad, dejected, hair unkept, eyes sunken, forced smile. Same person, years later...aged happier! How can this be? Its Freedom! 

Free from a marriage where I felt invisible, subdued, unattractive, unwanted, unheard, cheated on, ignored, manipulated, gaslighted...abused - physically and emotionally.

This taught me that the climbing of age is not the kryptonite of youth. Quicker deterioration of youth comes from prolonged stress! An example - unhappy marriage, terminal sickness, stressful job, etc.

Failed marriage is taboo in my culture, but how come this massive failure ushered me into a happier existence?


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