
Showing posts from 2019


It all started September 18, 2015. It is now October 15, 2019, I am getting myself mentally ready to witness in criminal court the next day - getting ready for another birthday spent in court.  Fasted and prayed, however this time I asked for my desire (that my ex takes a guilty plea concerning the DV  case) but that God's will be ultimately done and for God to give me the grace to handle it.

The makeup of a quality decision

Life is the outcome of a series of decisions. If life was like a house, decisions will be the bricks. This makes me think - to improve the quality of my life, I'll need to discover how to improve the quality of my decisions. So how does one crack the code to making quality decisions? Sounds like the key to a fulfilling life if you ask me. A few thoughts came to me concerning this. Before making a decision, weigh the motive, driving force, intention of the move you are about to make against the following criteria: Pride vs. Principle Panic vs. Peace  Pressured vs. paced To the above add a large dose of instinct - by imagining yourself on the other side (outcome) of each decision option you have. How do you feel? Joyous, burdened or unsure?  If the later two, steer your ship away from that direction and pray - "Commit your way to the Lord ; trust in him and he will do this:" Psalms 37:5 NIV

No Handbook

There is no handbook for single parenting. Now that I have been fully lounged into the role - no grandma, no nanny. I had subconsciously befriended other single parents for tips on how to rise up to the role -mostly African Americans -acknowledging with humility that the judgement I passed on them in the past was unfair and now mine to bear. Weekday mornings were especially challenging. It is then we drag ourselves out of bed racing against the ticking time.  Every deadline had to be made - the school bell,  the metro bus, my first morning meeting. In the midst of the crazy schedule, I am reminded of how blessed I am to have school breakfast and lunch for my kids - one less thing I had to worry about. I am not unaware of how blessed I am to have children who independently ready themselves in the morning. Who participate in daily clean ups. I am grateful oh Lord.

Zencation Day 3: white water rafting and Glacier National Park

Day 3 is finally here. I call it adventure day. A day for 1sts  - water rafting and hiking in Glacier national park. The ride over the GNP further reinforces that Flathead, MT is a bible town. The large cross on the hill, the many churches en route. Glacier park! I am finally here, into the wet suit I go. Then I notice I am the only lone rafter in the group but surprisingly - I don't mind - I am here for my firsts. White water rafting is one activity I have always wanted to do

Zencation Day 2: Swan River Nature Trail and Bisson Range

First stop Swan River Nature Trail - need I say more. Breath taking views. How creative God must be to whip this into creation. The endless array of pine trees, the vast peaks and lows of mountain tops and valleys, the sound of rushing waters. The glory of it all.  Divine I say. At the end of the trial is a little BigFork town with shops lined up on a street called Electric Avenue - credits to my Bob Marley or is it vice versa 🙂. A pretty little town like an illustration in a fairytale story book. Bigfork was welcoming. Quietening the initial subtle question at the back of my mind - am I welcome here as a colored woman standing out conspicuously with braided hair? People were friendly, the smiles were unforced. Then I wondered - why do more black people not visit here? I stood out like a sore thump. Walking back to my car was easier and quicker. Racing past the same scenery I had gawked at a few moments ago. A passerby I struck a conversation with offered to reli

Zencation Day 1 - Whitefish and Somers, Montana

Watching Super Soul Sunday on April 21st, 2019 I am inspired by former Laker coach Phil Jackson aka zen master to book a Zencation in Flathead lake, Montana. Why Flathead? The images just looked serene with a vast array of nature scenes - my kind of getaway. Arrived today,  first stop - Whitefish. What a beautiful small valley town.  Stopped by Flathead Travels to say hello to the agent that booked my trip. Warm welcome. The town has little tourists shops lined up on 2nd St. Am impressed by this Art shop with a display of African American and Native American portraits - glad and relived for the recognition as I already observed I am the only black person around. Loulas cafe served an impressive blackened salmon sandwich,  stopped by Flathead Travels to drop off free 2019 tourist magazines and off I drove 20+ miles to Outlook Inn bed and breakfast. The road is lined up by mountains, Christmas trees and oh there goes a herd of goats. This has to be a pretty sight in Decem

Beauty Marks

Beauty Mark's aka battle scars co exist with the saying - you need adversity to come into your wisdom.

Raising "Stepford" Children

We need to parent gently! We is all trying to raise CEOs, doctors, successful entrepreneurs, professional athletes etc who are also empathetic and domesticated 🤣. Sometimes these things are mutually exclusive in reality. How does a child reconcile being super competitive with being empathetic and domesticated too 🤔? Anyways, who knows. All I know is these poor children only have 24 hrs in a day of which: 9 hrs minimum should go to sleep, 8 hrs in school, 2 hrs to play, X in transit from one extracurricular activity to another, etc... God help the parent and the child in this new age if raising "Stepford" children.

Parenting Style...the foundation for a persons life

How do you tell your mom, who you've looked up to and admired all your life that she set you up for abuse with her constant "corrections" aka criticisms? How do you tell your dad, who was mostly distant, with a high expectation to be revered by his children that he had a part to play in this faulty foundation? In 2017 I sat in one of my victims of domestic violence therapy sessions and was shocked when my therapist said these words, "typically people who end up married to narcissists experienced childhood abuse." I  immediately became defensive of my childhood, defending how I preferred the Nigerian way of raising children because the proof is in the pudding i.e. more American children are generally lazy, very disrespectful, many do drugs and crime ending up dead or in jail. By my extrapolation, this quonondrum was due to the lax parenting style enabled by the American system and culture. Fast forward 2019, my parents, now aged, visit America for medical t

Letter to a friend recovering from Her high conflict divorce

Good morning. Didn't know u had blood pressure challenges. Taking a lot of meds too..  what?! Girl the devil is a liar! Most folks I know who have high blood pressure are folks who tend to internalize their life challenges i.e. bottling things up in an introvertish style. <friends name> you just have to pull through the darkness. OK to be an introvert as God made you but also remember that bible says Laughter does good like medicine. I say Laugh more, make a decision to see the joys in life, aka glass half full. Our past experiences don't define us. surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Watch TV shows that make u laugh. Laugh in the face of crazy work moments. Preaching to myself here too. Life is #too short! I have buried brother, cousin, friends in last few years. Burying another friend next week, she was only 41. All of it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have a good paying job, kids that love me, a roof over my head, friends and family

Missed...Not Forgotten

Another day, another reminder that "Life is short." Bookey Itoadun, may your enterprising soul rest in peace. We say "gone too soon." Definitely too soon for us - the gut wrenching pain of burying a loved one...words are not enough to describe. If heaven is real, and it's true that all living things are sourced from God, then it may be true that we all return to Him. Let's for a minute flip the script and put ourselves in the shoes of our maker. Is it possible that from the perspective of our maker, it's never soon enough?🤔 I can't say that this thought process makes it any easier. The death of anyone known to me, just brings to the surface the pain buried deep within of the sudden death of one who I mourned but am yet to really get over - Abiodun Michael Balogun aka SakorAbbey, Dec 27th, 1978 to June ?, 2001 - gone too soon! For your comedic come backs and humorous nature, you are missed! Oh! How you made us laugh. Mr. Johnny Ojutalayo, you

My cure to years of insomnia

Key:  🤬 = $0 🤗 = $1 Credits to Sarah Knight. Click link below to watch video first 😆: "The magic of not giving a f^^k by Sarah Knight. Below is my own "I can't come and die" aka mental decluttering budget: 🤬Allowing my ex to manipulate me into conflict with my kids, friends, family. 🤬Regurgitating discussion points to a coworker who chooses not to attend meetings because he prioritizes his kids and pilates time over my time. 🤗Going to the gym 🤬Supporting coworkers who do not support me. 🤗Making it to Tennis lessons on Tuesday evenings 🤬Training a coworker on how to do his work - after he misses training or chooses not to take notes during the ones he attends. 🤗Going to lunch during work hours 🤬Happy hour that will cause me to miss my bus home 🤗Eating my breakfast even if it is during morning meetings 🤬Multicultural day at childrens school 🤗Parent teacher conference 🤬Helping mom brainstorm how much she should charge my friends for babys


What kind of God goes silent that the most needed time in his worshippers life. I have known nothing other than salvation thought Jesus for 28 years! But times when I have mourned grief, that is when I feel most alone. Screened from his audible voice.

One fight, Two graves

There is a old Chinese saying "if you choose to fight for revenge you must first dig two graves."🤜 💔 💣🤛  So true! This is evident in high conflict divorce (basically war) weigh your intention. Revenge? Justice? Fairness? Freedom? When at war, even if you 'win', take careful note of what you lost i.e. things you had to sacrifice to gain that 'victory'. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. I heard that in my spirit multiple times through the 3+ years my divorce process dragged for. At the end of my divorce trial, the jury ruled  "no - finding of assault". That ruling cut deep, like being assaulted all over again -  this time by 10 strangers. How could they deny the obvious! The testimonies (from police, CPS, Sarah Garay of the fort bend womens center for domestic violence). All this evidence...the TRUTH. My money, mind, many moments measured in years put into gaining my freedom the correct way, all gone for this OUTCOME!???! Does this old Chinese

Raising Kids while being raised

They froze, full of guilt as I walked into the study: one looked more guilty than the other as the younger one slid a few steps away from the computer - leaving her older brother holding the mouse. "What are you doing", I asked. They were playing "roblox" on a week night! That was a direct disobedience to my outline of their weekly schedule. "Didn't I say no online games during the week?" This had never happened before (at least not to my knowledge). Off to time out I sent them. A few moments later, I cant help but wonder -  a m I too strict? Is it hypocritical? R emembering all the hours of TV I watched after school when I was their age. I actually have been transparent with them, telling them that I watched too much TV growing up but I desire for them to be better than me. Read books and enjoy reading them. How do I build and nurture this habit in children when I myself need that discipline? How do I raise kids in an area where I am still being rais

Help! Am swimming while drowning

2007 to 2018: 11 years of emotional and mental torture! The physical cruelty does not compare to the agony inflicted on the unseen part of my person. All due to the decision to marry this one person. I always knew one's choice of spouse can make or break a life, however I did not give it the due weight it deserves. This is now too much for me to bear, but I wear my smile and live each day - swimming while drowning.  God! Help me! Deliver me from this relational frustration with my Ex. Take away this thorn in my flesh: endless court appearances, endless hours exposing lies after lies after lies has become a full time job. $100K+ in attorney fees! Countless hours preparing court documents. All this with a masked smile to the world...all the while swimming while drowning. The routine has become familiar: Therapy -- work -- SM🙂LE. Anxiety suppressants -- church -- SM🙂LE. Yoga -- work -- SM🙂LE. On and on like clockwork...swimming while drowning. I need you Lord, speak yo